Gregor is in recovery from alcohol dependence. He had used alcohol and other substances to cope with the distressing feelings that persisted from early life events. He felt his life was over by his thirties however he found recovery through the 12 steps and re-entered employment through the Addiction Worker Training Programme with the Scottish Drugs Forum. Gregor has worked for many years in frontline substance use services delivering direct support to clients and managing teams. He is currently working as a Learning Lead with We Are With You delivering training online and face to face across the uk. Whilst at With You he was trained by Epione to deliver trauma training and became excited both personally and professionally in trauma treatment and the powerful message of hope through post traumatic healing.
Gregor has a BA Hons in painting from Glasgow School of Art. He has made short films and written several feature length film scripts two of which are currently in development with Edge City Films. Gregor is a karate coach and is interested in the potential of martial arts and creativity in healing. Gregor lives in Glasgow and is happily married with two daughters.
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